I started this in the summer of 2014, blazed on for a short time, and then balked for almost two years at putting the binding around the neck. This morning I came across it, decided to give it a try, couldn't find my navy thread, went for a long walk to buy one spool of thread, came home and finished 'er off.
Not bad, but not very heavily decorated, is it? I don't think there is much of the superhero pyjamas left, and I'll just leave it as is. Next time...
I actually am thinking of my next project of this sort. I have a bunch of T-shirts that I want to make into a dress. Sew a big gathered skirt of shirt bits to another shirt. Not sure about any embellishment. Not sure about making the skirt doubly thick. Not sure about much at all, but I keep looking at my green shirts and itching to cut them up.