We made our epic journey to Salisbury, saw all the sights and made it home again. We'll get the photos sorted and so on and give you the whole scoop! Highlights include a 25-mile bus trip to Avebury, which took 2 hours; multiple pubs in Salisbury which didn't allow kids in, or didn't have food on weekends, leaving us to eat at Burger King and Pizza Hut; taking the sock to Stonehenge and then forgetting to take its picture among the stones; getting to the Postal Museum in Bath just as the woman was locking the door, and much more!
Now I have to get the kids off to school, do tons of laundry, and wonder what our neighbourhood here will do on Halloween!
Monday, October 31, 2005
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
It's Fall

So, I've started on a sweater in Summer Tweed for myself! This should take forever, perhaps till next spring, since I'm turning it into a faux Fassett and making diamonds of colour all over it. I've done almost two full rows of diamonds and have done enough funny things with my colour changes that I'm thinking of turning it into a Drunken Argyle. Here is an early and bad flash picture, with the colours looking rather gaudy and all, but you can see the tangle

Next week we are off on holiday again. One thing I love about the British schools is their custom of a week off here and there for "half-term." So we will be in Salisbury, seeing the church and its spire, and Stonehenge and other old rocks, and since the whole area used to be home to wealthy wool merchants, perhaps we'll find a nice yarn shop or two. Certainly I expect sheep. Actually, we have a bundle of things planned, but are attempting to keep it simple and relaxed. Ha. But we may even go away without the Mac, if that's possible! So I may be out of touch till Halloween!
I'm not taking the new sweater on holiday, either!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
FOs all over the place

It is apparently Knitting Week here in the UK. The department store is having knitting classes and a knitathon tomorrow to knit squares for a charity blanket. And I've heard of a gang that gets together Thursday afternoons, so maybe I'll give that a try today.
I brought home Mary Poppins on DVD from the library the other day, and the kids have been downright reluctant to watch it for some reason, so I thought I'd watch it myself since I'd paid for it and all. This time I noticed that the family lives on a street with a hexagonal Victorian pillar box, and the bank the dad works in is surprisingly similar to Gringotts! I wonder if they were filmed in the same place, or if there is a plethora of big banks like that!
Our family lore says that when Mary Poppins first came out, my big sister took me to see it. She was maybe 18 and I was maybe 5. And at the end of the movie I just cried and cried and cried and cried and cried and cried and cried, because Mary Poppins goes away, you see. Well, since I was all alone here yesterday, no one need ever know what happened, but I tell ya, that's about the most dreadful ending in all cinema... just ... dreadful...
I did manage to pick out the great dance scenes and once the kids saw the chimneysweeps, they gladly watched other snippets. That Dick Van Dyke could sure dance, eh? Sigh.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Lotsa love and laughs in London

(I've made all the pictures small; just click to see a big version!)
Let's start at the beginning: I had to get up early-ish to catch a train. Usually when I travel I have gone by plane, which means that if you're leaving at 9:01, you have to be checking in at 7, get the cab at 6:15, so you have to be up with the sun. But in fact, if you get a train, you can run onto the platform at 8:56 and still get on and get a seat. Whatever, I got up way early, got out the door, found the bank machine and got to the bus stop about an hour before the train was to leave. Good thing, because after about 3 seconds I realised there are no buses running in Cambridge at 8 am on a Sunday! So I walked across town and actually just missed the 8:30 train! So all worked out just fine...
I met Katherine at Kings Cross, where I did find Platform 9 3/4, and a gaggle of muggles trying to get the cart through the wall. Katherine and I took a wee detour up to Loop, an amazing yarn store full of all sorts of wonders. I hemmed and hawed over this recycled cotton yarn from K1C2 but none of the colours did it for me. I finally came out with 3 hanks of Point Five in Castagna and two balls of Opal sock yarn. When in the store I overheard some people say they'd come down from Cambridge, and it turned out they were in town for the wedding, too! I wonder if I can meet up with them on one of their knitting nights, but it won't happen this week.

Barry drove us to Battersea Park, and we knew we were in the right place when we came upon this tombstone/recipe, and garlands of pompoms on the fence. The ushers had knitted bowties and pompoms in their buttonholes.

And when I got to the knitted glitter ball, I was *sure* I was in the right place. Must make one! The picture's not great, but it's knitted of silvery ribbony shiny stuff with little round mirrors stuck on. Splendid!
It was hard to get good pictures of all the decorations. The wedding was in a smallish square room, and there was a balcony around, where most of the hangers-on stood, and looked straight down on the proceedings. There were garlands of pompoms and knitted birds, there were little offerings of knitted vegetables and some mice and a hedgehog! There were three sets of rings, one of which was sitting on a little cushion that I had made and sent in. When I was thinking what to do, I saw some golden sparkly yarn and thought "I must knit shoes out of that!" but realised I couldn't do that... so I bought some nice colours of tapestry wool and made a little cushion with tiny mitered squares.

And here it is with two golden i-cord rings, along with some bouquets and another little case with very lovely silvery rings.
We all ooooh'd and aaaaah'd for a while, and knit, and chatted, and then the ceremony began. These people had been married before and were renewing their vows. I wonder if one of the toddlers in the crowd was theirs, as there was a distinct Dr Seuss element to the whole thing! "I will take her for my wife, I will love her all my life." "I will love him when we're rich, and when we're poor and in a ditch."

The official photographer, I suppose, with his multiple cameras, one knitted!

And finally, outside for the pompom confetti, a quick beer in the sunshine, the cutting of the
cake and then a dance under the glitter ball!

After all the fun and games, we did a bit of sight-seeing, crossing the Millennium Bridge and having a cuppa at the Tate Modern before heading back to the train.
This morning we realised there was no bread, so I had to go take my jar of jam to the store, buy bread and a banana, sit outside the school making a sandwich, and take it in to Elaine so she wouldn't starve at lunchtime! The troubles that happen when Mommy goes to town for a day!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
It's done at last!

I ordered a pattern from Rowan yesterday, which they are supposed to e-mail to me, and it hasn't come yet. How long can it take for them to e-mail me a file? I was somewhat embarassed to buy a pattern for a simple raglan pullover, but I figure if someone else has figured out how many Summer Tweed stitches I need in the sleeves, I'm willing to pay, rather than spend the time anguishing about it.
Onward -- you'll see that pink cardigan finished in no time!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Something got finished!

And about the husband-sweater... All the big pieces have been made for months. I'm sure I was stuck for several weeks wondering if boy buttonholes go on the left or the right. Now that I'm actually doing it, it's insanely boring, and I still have about a meter to go, with buttonholes now!
Mere days before we left Toronto, I was looking at this mostly-finished project and at my unused yarn. I had a bit of a ball and three full 100-g balls of Cotton Fleece, and I knew that was at least two and a half too many, but I couldn't be sure exactly. So I took back 2 balls to the yarn store (exchanging them, as a matter of fact, for the pink cotton!) and kept the third, just in case, and lo and behold, I will need it! Imagine if I'd got this far and then ran out! Phew, I say.

Two old cars. Both Morrises, but the one on the right is a woody! A real woody-wagon with real wood trim! I love it, and we'd spotted it before, but on a camera-less day. I think I will not become a regular photographer of interesting cars, but will stick with post boxes! One eccentricity at a time.
Nor do I have ambitions to take pictures of wildlife, though I saw a bird I wanted to take a picture of the other day. It was lovely with black and white markings and very striking, and I now think it was a magpie. Not thrilling for a real bird enthusiast, I'm sure, but it was very pretty.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Steamin' and swimmin'

the steam actually pushes the wheels around! There were also people from the model bus collecting camp and the Meccano masterpieces camp, and people who had small working steam trains that they could actually ride. This fellow had a little train you can see in the background, and he sat on top of it and rode it back and forth along a small line, and the mini-truck in the foreground that he just stoked and polished and oiled, but it never moved, that we could tell. Lovingly looked after, these machines! There was also a full-sized truck, driven by steam. Because it is a technology museum and not just a steam museum, they also have an amazing collection of printing paraphanalia! Type of all sorts and sizes in wide flat type drawers, printing presses big and small, as well as old telephones, radios and whatever you could ask for! It's all volunteer run and so quite informal and chatty, and the people do seem to like showing these things off.
We also finally checked out the local pool, which is fantastic! There is a wee shallow warm pool for the little ones, with slides and water jets and all sorts of fun things. Then they have a diving pool, which of course is very deep, but Arthur tells us that that is where his school has swimming lessons, because the floor is adjustable! Have you ever heard of such a thing? When we went it was 4 meters deep, but it must be about 1 meter when he goes. Maybe the floor is just a sort of mesh screen that goes up and down? Who knows? And there is a big pool for swimming lengths and fooling around, which was really too deep for the kids in most parts, but they had all sorts of kick boards and big floating mats. The drawback: over £10 for a family of 4 to go for a swim! That's more than $20! So we can't do that on a regular basis, though I will investigate season passes and such.
The kids are getting creative, too. First we have Bread Man, made by Arthur with the help of black food colouring!

And last but not least, my parents sent on my ribbon from the fair!
And now I have to unclog the sink so I can get back into the laundry groove!
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