So, I've started on a sweater in Summer Tweed for myself! This should take forever, perhaps till next spring, since I'm turning it into a faux Fassett and making diamonds of colour all over it. I've done almost two full rows of diamonds and have done enough funny things with my colour changes that I'm thinking of turning it into a Drunken Argyle. Here is an early and bad flash picture, with the colours looking rather gaudy and all, but you can see the tangle

Next week we are off on holiday again. One thing I love about the British schools is their custom of a week off here and there for "half-term." So we will be in Salisbury, seeing the church and its spire, and Stonehenge and other old rocks, and since the whole area used to be home to wealthy wool merchants, perhaps we'll find a nice yarn shop or two. Certainly I expect sheep. Actually, we have a bundle of things planned, but are attempting to keep it simple and relaxed. Ha. But we may even go away without the Mac, if that's possible! So I may be out of touch till Halloween!
I'm not taking the new sweater on holiday, either!
Hey, haven't I seen them there apples before?