Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Oh, it's Wednesday again

I was just thinking I had a moment to work on the denim sweater, but then realised it's Wednesday and my day for the blanket border.

So, to postpone having to knit hundreds of stitches a row on 4 mm needles, I'll show you a few things.

The two fronts. This ain't going to be finished for the weekend!

Maybe you can see the house better in this one.

This little gem was snagged at Value Village a few days ago. Doesn't it call to mind that sultry holiday we had in the old farmhouse near Nice, circa 1923? Ah, the wine, the sandy beach, the peaches... No? You think it's just a $.99 bread-and-butter plate? Pah.

Ahem. Now, my Wednesday WIP:

One side done! The opposite side's stitches have been picked up and perhaps a row knitted. You'll be seeing this for a few Wednesdays!

I have started a secret knitting project, but it's so dreadfully secret that I can't show you even the first rows. I hope to be able to show it after Christmas; we'll just have to make sure it gets finished by then!

Okay, okay, I'll go knit a row or two!


  1. somehow when I read that about the plate, I read 'the sandy pate'

  2. The house is totally clear! The plate is most lovely and your blanket border just perfect.


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