Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The first post box issue

Cool thing #58 about England: post boxes. They are nicely shaped, solid, bright red, ubiquitous, and one can get a bit obsessive about "collecting" them. Here are some of the Victorian ones we have come across.
This is the first one we found, at the opposite corner of Midsummer Common to us. (If you go around the roundabout to King St, you are steps away from Sew Creative, a store that sells yarn and stuff.)

This is a hexagonal one, outside King's College in town. One can wonder which great scholars of the past have mailed things in this! Now I'm sure it's mostly postcards, as it's on the main tourist strip.

Here's a curious thing. These pictures were rotated and turned up just fine, but I can't get the picture of the next one -- it just wants to stay sideways, so I'll just give you the stunning detail of the mystery, spiky postbox!

Ah, my fave! This one is on the way to the grocery store, and it has no cypher, so who knows when it was put here, but I'll put it in with Victoria for now. It's on Priory Road and the Riverside, and aren't those spikes marvellous! Just decorative, or anti-pigeon devices, or what?? You know your mail is safe in this one!

Well, it's taking a while to get these photos loaded, so I shall give blogger a rest for now!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful website! In 1974 (my visiting year there), I bought some "trendy" orange, brown, & cream yarn at Sew Creative for one of my first knitting projects. Still have the remnants.
    If you can't make it to Ely, the towpaths up to Fen Ditton used to be a nice ride; also the bike paths to Gog Magog & points south.Glad to hear that cycling still rules in Cambridge.


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