Thursday, August 22, 2019

Two times three things on Thursday

I was out west last week, seeing my mother-in-law and my brother before we head off to Cambridge later in September.

Three pictures sum things up:

The flowers in Victoria were amazing! Dahlias all over the place, lilies, roses, flowers I don't even know the names of. This wonderful St John's Wort was part of a roadside carpet of yellow.

After a few days in Victoria, we took the bus to the ferry terminal and went to Salt Spring to see my brother. There was a bad accident on the road, so the bus, which should have got us there with minutes to spare for the 3 pm ferry, got us there at about 3:02, so we had to wait for two hours for the next boat. (Picture taken from the top of the double-decker bus, one of my favourite things about Victoria!)

On the island we did all the things... went to the Saturday market, discussed real estate ad nauseam and went for a couple of hikes.

There is an intriguing little bit of land jutting out the eastern side of the island, called Walkers Hook, which seems to be privately owned. We went to see what we could see, and the tide was so low that there was just mucky sand between the main island and the hook. In that link above you can see there appears to be a road/beach combo at the south bit, but we were in the middle of the bay. Lots of shells, little crabs and squelchy sand.

The next day we went down to the south end of the island, to gawk at some real estate friends of ours had just bought. Unfortunately all we could see was their driveway, but we thought the vendors were still living there so we couldn't really snoop very effectively. We found a trail through the nearby woods and had a nice walk.

Three tree pictures:

Three trees! Small, cedar, mossy.

A tree with lichens and moss.

A bit of a dead tree providing some nice rusty colour.

And now I must swing into action, but the tasks are overwhelming and I don't know where to start. Perhaps I'll go buy some eggs so I can do some baking. That surely must be about the most crucial thing on my list!

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