Thursday, May 07, 2020

What's new?

Here we are, another Thursday.

We came from Vancouver six weeks ago. Spring is finally coming to Toronto and colours are visible here and there, although we now have a week of cold weather.

I did finish a knitting project, after some fussing around.

This skein of yarn has flowers added in at random intervals. Random, yet somehow never in the right place! I made most of a cowl but a lot of the flowers ended up on an edge, and I knitted it a bit tightly, so I ripped it and tried another shape.

Now all the flowers ended up at the edge of the triangle. And I didn't have enough yarn to make the part around the neck very deep.

But it could be called versatile? You can certainly wear it in a couple of ways!

I saw a recipe for dragon eggs on twitter, involving chocolate, butter and eggs, so gave it a try. (You might have to click "show this thread" to get all the info.)

Actual dragon egg for scale.

Really, it's a rock

Today I might just take part in a zoom exercise class a neighbour is running. So, that's something to look forward to. We also bought a pot-roast on our last trek to the grocery store, so either today or tomorrow we will have a very nice meal. And I am very close to finishing another scarf, and starting a project that might just last me the rest of the summer.

Until next Thursday, then!

1 comment:

  1. Well, that was an interesting cowl. Hood? Could you not have added the flowers where you wanted them after all the knitting was done? It is nice, though, and I like red.
    How did the dinosaur eggs taste?
    We have tulips and plum blossoms, and had some rain over the last few days. Otherwise it's been sunny and dry. The lawn mower guys came last Monday for the first time this year, so it must be Spring.


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