I was up at
Knitomatic on the weekend. They have a yarn swap every month, so one can always run up there with a bag of stuff when the mood strikes. Yesterday I got rid of a few things, including a cake of
White Buffalo wool and most of a ball of
Chunky Chenille, which cost me a fortune, even on sale, and I soon found I didn't like working with it at all. I did make those
Christmas stockings in 2005, but I don't remember fighting with the yarn then... Anyways, it's gone now!
I took up two bags and came home with only one, so that's progress, isn't it? And, ha ha, I've already knitted up one of my finds! There was a ball of the biggest, fattest dishcloth cotton I have ever seen! If one had a lot of it, it could make an
Absorba mat (on Ravelry), but I had only one. So, here's Hagrid's hand towel. Super fat yarn, 8 mm needles, one button.

Maybe you can't tell how huge this yarn is, but that button is about an inch and a half long, and it takes up about 3 stitches.
Another gem found at the swap was 2 balls of biggish sock yarn, complete with most of a sock! I couldn't have reproduced the heel (some garter-stitch, short-row job) so Arthur and I ripped the foot and heel out as we walked home! Now I am left with a doll hat which just needs a bit of finishing at the top.
Elaine's sweater is almost done, and I have pledged to get it finished by October, which is just a few days away. Here's a stupid story for you: I bought 3 skeins of the brown used for the trim. But this yarn has been discontinued for a long time and we fished around in the Romni basement trying to find more than one skein in a colour we wanted, and ended up with 3 skeins, 2 dyelots. And duh, I went to get the second skein to just finish up the collarand buttonhole band, and found that both my remaining skeins were the
same lot, which means all that brown knitting was done with the single skein of the
other lot! So... I have done a few rows, and I am sure I can tell the difference. I would hate to take out the collar I have done and alternate, but I would also hate to see those slightly different front bands. Grr. This is why I'm fooling around with other things... I'll let that yarn sit till it can behave!