I have a little knitting news, which I'll get to. And I could talk about other things, like the big thunder and lightning storm of last night, but I have no splendid pictures of lightning hitting the CN Tower or anything like that.
We've been digging in our garden and using up a tiny fraction of the wood we just got.

Now we need a bit more wood, a bit of dirt, some plants that like shade and crappy soil, and we're set. For that part of the garden, at least... there's more! Last night's rain will give the remaining weeds that extra boost, and next weekend's work will be all the more difficult!

My Retro Ribs! At last, the end is in sight. Or at least the foot is... I'm looking forward to simpler* socks in wilder colours, but I'm sure these will be well-used by Stephen, who is not a wild socks kinda guy.
*These socks are not really challenging to knit. Very straightforward 4-row pattern. But sometimes I just hate having to think, do I twist the stitch on this row, oh, my, do I have to purl here.... It's stocking stitch for the next pair!

And look, our poor neglected volunteer lilac is actually giving us a flower this year! There are two, in fact! The fate of this lilac is unknown. One day it will get too big for the little box it planted itself in... Move it to the shady front yard? Put it in another box? Give it to someone with more space??
And that's all the news that fits, today.
oh yeah, by the way -- may 30th is your deadline on the retro ribs!
ReplyDeleteincidentally that is the same reason i havent really been posting.
I know I haven't been posting so much; I felt I was pushing myself to blog and it was taking the fun out of it. Plus, I've had a couple of short-deadline sewing projects that didn't lend themselves well to photography or documentation (mostly because of the deadline), so if they ever hit the blog it iwll be as FO reports only! I'm back feelin' the love again now, though; I've set up timed-release posts for the rest of the week, so hopefully that should kick-start me into actually posting more again! I love your wooden walls; we've been using wood for similar purposes, and it looks fab. Have fun!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I'm speeding up! And to contribute to the world posting-speed-acceleration - have tagged you for a meme; which you should feel free to ignore...
ReplyDeleteSince I don't seem to be able to reply to the comment you left on my blog, I thought I'd leave one on yours :)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you about ripping knitting being much easier than dealing with badly cut fabric. It's for that reason that I have yet to branch into the lovely Kaffe Fassett and Amy Butler fabrics available at Needles and Pins. So far I'm working with less expensive stuff so that I can worry less if I make a mistake due to my inexperience.
Sewing seems so much faster than knitting, where every stitch takes effort. I can see the big appeal for sewing clothing since it's so much faster than knitting (at least the patterns I've been looking at :))
Do you do much sewing?
lots of bank holidays in spring, so travelling instead of knitting. oh and of course the garden.. tending to the garden takes a lot of time too. hope all is well with you
ReplyDeleteAlways interesting to see where visitors come from ;-) If you are a recent convert you may have missed Patricia Robert's apperance on London Daily Photo.