Thursday, February 09, 2006

Friends, don't try this at home

Ah, almost finished my Weasley knitting. I spent some time today reswatching my Olympic knitting and writing a few things down, and I've been dallying with my Maya big octagon thing, shown here on a longer needle, so it's able to spread out. Unfortunately, the needle is the wrong size to knit with, so I had to cram it back on the shorter 6 mm needle, but I wanted to see how it looked flattened out.

But, back to sewing the last seams on the last Weasley. It's hard to capture in a photograph what happens when you sew the two sides together, taking care to twist one piece before doing so! I promise, promise, that this dang "A" Weasley will be sewn together before the Olympics start, and it'll be straight and all the ends will be sewn in. I'm all set to go, Olympics-wise, except I've got Kid #2 home sick now! Since she has spent most of the day so far conked out on the couch, she's not much trouble, but it's just another thing to worry about! Lucky for me my Olympic project will be knit in the round, requiring only a 3-needle bind off on the shoulders!

Okay, deep breath, take out the bit of seam, start again...

1 comment:

  1. Argh! Think I've managed to seam things wrongly in most combinations, particularly when trying to get something finished!!

    But the Olympics beckon, and it'll all go swimmingly!!


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