Friday, April 26, 2024

Best laid plans

Yesterday we packed up some stuff, rented a car, killed time with a friend before our ferry, and arrived on Galiano Island in the dark and the rain last night. It is forecast to continue gloomy for a few more days. 

Ferries to Gulf Islands are necessary and affordable (sorta) and daily (at least). But they are not always convenient and ready-when-you-are. Since we had to rent a car and drive an hour or more to the terminal, to get there about an hour before the ferry leaves, the morning boat was not going to work. Next ferry: 7:10 pm. 

We have a friend in White Rock who we don't see that often, but it is sort of on the way to the ferry, so we had a nice visit with her. There is an actual white rock in White Rock. (Yes, they now paint it. Debates about the original whiteness: was it in fact just covered in bird droppings?)

The internet here is a bit spotty. When we arrived last night, we first had trouble even finding the cottage, since one doesn't waste electricity on lighting up the number on the road. When we did get inside, there was not a handy fact sheet left by the landlord, but we did eventually find the router and decipher the password. Even now things are not super fast, but we are on an island surrounded by forest, so I guess we can accept that. 

The sun came up and we saw where we were. Not far from a little inlet.

There are boats. 

There are rocks. 

We explored the little village nearby and found a coffee shop, bakery and bookstore, so we are set. 

I hope to be able to update here regularly, but I don't have super high hopes for this internet connection. Fingers crossed. 

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