Friday, April 19, 2024


A sort of silly thing I do is follow #JacobinDay on Twitter. Or X as we are supposed to call it now. The French Revolution changed many things, including the calendar. The new calendar didn't last very long, but instead of boring old Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or days honouring those pesky saints in the church, each day was named for a seasonal thing. Roses, oaks, shovels, horses... everything you might need in 18th-century France had its day. 

Some people with time on their hands during the early days of the pandemic started putting pictures on Twitter each day. Somehow I fell in with them -- I don't try to find something every day, but it is fun to see what people can come up with. 

A few days ago, it was lilac day, and I was disappointed because I hadn't seen any lilacs around. 

Today I came across this bush, which was awkwardly located in relation to the sun, so my pictures are not as excellent as they could be, but I was pleased to find it. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Mary. I read all your posts that were here. I liked the Library tour, and was pleased to see the Dunbar branch still going strong. It's fun to ne back visiting.


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