Saturday, January 28, 2006

This Olympic thing

These knitting Olympics are outta control! The Harlot tells us there are more than 1800 registered athletes! Of course, I am on Team Canada, and I sort of think of myself as being on Team Cambridge as well, since I know a few other Olympians in town. (Must pick a pub for the opening ceremonies -- leave suggestions in the comments! How about the smoke-free Free Press?) I could join Team Wales. There's Team GB. There's also Team Saskatchewan, Team Boston, the American sock-knitting team, and undoubtably a million more! My gawd.... Just wait till 2010, when the games are actually in Canada, only 1475 days from now! (In case you want to start your training for that event now.)
My paralympic knitting, which was scheduled to go on till March 4th (the kids' Weasleys) is ahead of schedule! Elaine's sweater has both its sleeves and is just blocking prior to being sewn up, and I've started Arthur's first sleeve. Here's hoping I can get these all done before Feb 10!
Thrilling, eh?


  1. I'm up for that - when does the flame get lit? No idea when I'd have time for it - it being the weekend before Textiles in Focus, and it finishing the weekend of SkipNorth, but just seems like such a good thing to do...

    Cambridge Blue is also smoke-free...

  2. Never been to Cambridge Blue, but heck, I'll go anywhere... The flame is lit around 7 our time, I think, though the official knitting start time is 2 pm local time, wherever you are. So I might just start at 2, but won't get very far, coz I have to pick up kids, and all that that entails. I'll see who else is interested.

  3. Can I come qas a cheerleader (and, if so, which venue)? I'll not be undertaking an Olympic project, though ( frankly a tension square would be pushing it the mo!)

  4. I'll go wherever; but can't get away from work until at least 4..!



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